Upgrade test subscription to full subscription

Upgrade test subscription to full subscription

We are very happy to hear that you want to continue working in the leitzcloud!

Here you can learn how to upgrade your test account to "leitzcloud Pro".

  1. First, log in to the customer portal and go to “leitzcloud Pro”.
  2. You will then see your current service. Select "Upgrade/ Downgrade".

  3. You now have the option to create the leitzcloud according to your requirements. Use the sliders to select the number of users and the storage space you need and choose, if you want to pay monthly or annually. Important to know is that you remain flexible and can adjust your specifications at any time.
  4. Below you get an overview of your order. After confirming the terms of use, select "Order Now" to submit your order and then enter your payment information.

  5. After you paid, your cloud storage will be activated and the data from your test account will be transferred.

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