Leitz Cloud version v2.4.1 is now live with new and improved features!
Release Notes:
Leitz is pleased to announce Leitz Cloud v2.4.1, the latest release that includes new features, improvements, and important fixes.
- Synced Folder can now be added as a storage location shortcut within Microsoft Office desktop applications
- A new Overwrite Remote option has been added to the desktop agent’s Resolve Sync Conflicts dialog box
- Notification options on upload/download can now be configured within a shared folder (includes revisions)
- The Outlook Add-In is now supported in Microsoft Outlook 2016
- The Agent UI now displays the status of all locally available roots with the Advanced tab of the Properties dialog box
- The Web Preview feature is now available in the Browse File Revisions page
- The Web Preview feature is now supported in the Microsoft Edge browser
- The Web Preview feature now supports many additional file formats including MS Visio Drawing files
- The Web Preview feature’s rendering fidelity has been improved for many file formats, including Microsoft Office
- Users can now exit out of the Web Preview tool from the share screen
- Buttons have been redesigned with a neutralized color scheme for more consistent branding
- Guest accounts are now included in reports
- When authenticating, users can now select an Active Directory source nickname
- Time-sensitive passwords have been added for CSV-imported users
- When deleting a user account, any associated backup roots will now deactivate on the web
- The Share Options GUI is now resizable
- The Restore Deleted feature has been improved to address cases where only a parent folder is restored
- The Add to Groups and Add to Team Shares subscription widgets have been enhanced to improve the selection process
- The Activity Log now displays Owned By information when purging individual files from personal roots
- Locks are now removed if the owner is unsubscribed from a Team Share
- Team Share moves are now logged in web-access.log
- The {login_link} requirement has been removed from all custom welcome email templates
- The Lock Info pop-up window now displays time based on account/organization time zone
- ConnectWise billing agreement drop-down now reloads when switching companies for ConnectWise billing
- A new Test Billing Agreement Push button has been added for ConnectWise billing integration
- Added localization support for the Web Preview tool
- In the Share Options dialog box, the Save and Close buttons have been updated to Share and Cancel
- Numerous backend enhancements have been implemented to improve stability, security, and performance
- When managing backups, the Delete button now reads Delete Selected Backups
- Changes to org policies now display on dashboard activity and reports, and can generate alerts
- The Auto-Lock duration is now configurable from the desktop agent’s Properties dialog box
- The right-click context menu has been consolidated
- Agent no longer prevents print dialog box from appearing
- Agent no longer unregisters itself on Windows 10
- Daily Digest now sends as expected on SaaS
- 'Restore inaccessible network paths' button now activates in agent properties when path becomes unavailable
- Agent deviation no longer causes a sync loop
- Clear button has been updated in the Activity Log filtered view
- Reports no longer display Not Available or zero storage
- Windows path character limit no longer prevents the context menu or overlays from displaying
- Shared files and folders listed in the guest account drop-down menu now display as expected
- OSX agents now fully complete the installation process as expected
- An edge case has been addressed so that Team Shares no longer display negative data in the web portal
- OSX agent stability issue was addressed to prevent unexpected crashes
- 500 error no longer displays when enabling ConnectWise billing for a child organization
- 500 error no longer displays when viewing an organization created through the API
- An edge case has been addressed so that the web portal no longer displays a negative number for User Folders
- OSX Finder extension is now enabled by default after installing the agent
- When configuring ConnectWise billing, changing the agreement for one child company no longer changes the agreement for all child companies
- Daily Digest emails are no longer sent after a user is unsubscribed from a Team Share
- The Download button now displays as expected in the Web Preview tool
- The Outlook add-in has been updated with stability improvements
- The agent service now starts as expected on Windows 10
Please contact Leitz Cloud support if you have any questions about these new features.